Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
The WEEE Directive, which first came into effect in 2000, was scrutinised as planned by the European Commission in 2008 with the aim of identifying any amendments that were necessary.
The resulting WEEE2 Directive was passed by the EU Parliament in its second reading and came into force on 14 August 2012. Member states were granted a transitional period until 14 February 2014 to complete its enactment in domestic law.
However, as with the implementation of the first German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act, Germany failed to meet this deadline. This was primarily attributed to delays in the formation of a new government following the Federal elections of 2013, but also to extensive discussions of the draft bills between the relevant stakeholders.
Most recently, the EU Commission issued Germany with reasoned opinion in September 2014, urging the country to notify the new ElektroG2 legislation to enable its adoption. Notification took place in November 2014.
The new ElektroG2 act was subsequently passed by the Bundestag and Bundesrat in July 2015. The latest amendments of the WEEE Directive will now become mandatory from 2018 onwards. More information can be found under…
Additional information from external websites
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Acts (EN) / Elektrogesetze (D)
German Environment Agency (D)
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (D)