New battery regulation BattVO still in approval
March 10, 2022
New BattVO will apply to all EU member states

The new Battery Regulation (BattVO) planned for 1.1.2022, which will apply directly to all EU member states, is still in the voting process, probably in the first half of 2022. The major goal of the new BattVO is: more resource conservation, less environmental impact, more recycling, higher minimum collection rate. Other points of discussion include minimum durability requirements, transparent supply chain, no fixed installation in electrical devices, multiple use of batteries. Thus, the BattG2 Act on the placing on the market, return and environment-friendly disposal of batteries and accumulators (Battery Act 2), which came into force on 1.1.2021, still remains valid. This amendment to the Battery Act (BattG) aims to ensure a comprehensive take-back and high-quality recycling of the valuable raw materials contained in batteries.
Until the new BattVO comes into force, the FBDi Association recommends that those concerned keep an eye on their existing obligations, including the most important ones:
Obligation for manufacturers or importers of industrial, automotive and portable batteries to register with the ear foundation since Jan. 1, 2022 (see §4 BattG)
Obligations for distributors and battery users - (§9 and §11) - Distributors may only place batteries from registered companies on the market, must take back waste batteries free of charge at or in the immediate vicinity of the point of sale. The obligation to take back only applies to those waste batteries that the distributor offers or has offered as new batteries, and to normal household quantities. (Products with integrated batteries may also fall under the ElektroG or the End-of-Life Vehicle Regulation).
Mandatory participation in a take-back system (according to §7 BattG) - In addition to the four manufacturers' own take-back systems in Germany (DS Entsorgungs- und Dienstleistungs-GmbH; GRS Batterien; ÖcoReCell; CCR REBAT), there is the 'GRS eMobility' since 1.12.2021, which specifically targets manufacturers and distributors of eBikes, scooters and small vehicles.
Mandatory labeling - unchanged with the crossed-out trash can.
Placing on the market bans - The heavy metals cadmium and mercury are subject to restrictions as follows: According to §3 of the BattG, batteries with more than 0.0005 percent mercury by weight or portable batteries with more than 0.002 percent cadmium by weight may not be placed on the market. Only a few applications are exempt from the cadmium restriction, including emergency lighting, medical equipment, emergency or alarm systems; automotive and industrial batteries