FBDi: News about German ElektroG
September 06, 2018
Open scope of application since August 15: Now 6 instaead of former 10 device categories

FBDi association points out the new scope of application of ElektroG: Since August 15, 2018 the open scope of application includes only 6 categories which replace the previously 10 categories. All electric and electronic devices are now covered by the scope of application of ElektroG, unless they are excluded explicitly by a legal exception. The new six categories are:
- Heat exchangers
- Screens, monitors and devices which integrate a display with a surface of more than 100 square centimeters
- Lamps
- Devices, where at least one of the outer dimensions is longer than 50cm (large appliances)
- Devices, where none of the outer dimensions is longer than 50 cm (small appliances)
- Small devices of information- and telecommunications technology, where none of the outer dimensions is longer than 50 cm
The FBDi association emphasizes that with this change additional electric and electronic devices might be subject to registration at Stiftung EAR (Elektro Altgeräte Register). What is important in this regard is, that companies which haven’t registered until December 31, 2018 at Stiftung EAR are not allowed to import or let alone to sell any electric devices (according to ElektroG) in Germany. The registration itself may take up to nine weeks. For details go to the EAR Website: https://www.stiftung-ear.de/en/home
ElektroG transposes the European WEEE-directive into German law. It regulates the placing on the market, take-back and environmentally sound disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment.