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Farewell to Georg Steinberger: An Inspiring Person and Irreplaceable Friend

January 27, 2025

Georg Steinberger ✝ (1959–2025)

Georg Steinberger ✝ (1959–2025)
Georg Steinberger, Chairman of the Board and founding member of FBDi e.V. (2003-2025)

Dear FBDi-members, dear friends and supporters of the FBDi,
it is with great sadness and deep shock that I have to announce that Georg Steinberger, Chairman of the Board and founding member of FBDi e.V., passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on Friday, January 24, 2025.

Georg, one of the most inspiring personalities who enriched our world with his commitment and charisma, left it far too soon.
No one could escape his humor and passionate discussion.
He was both an impulsive driving force and a strategic visionary.

As a person and friend, he gave his all.
He was a loyal rock – his willingness to help was legendary, his support unconditional.
Especially in these days, his outstanding ability to connect people and dive deeper instead of just surfing on the surface was so rare and therefore so valuable.

Opinionated and direct, but never disrespectful or hurtful, open and humorous and yet with a clear edge – with a clear view.

He not only leaves a huge gap as an expert in the electronics industry, but also as a person who was inspiring to his fellow human beings and irreplaceable to his friends.
As a friend and companion, I feel stunned and empty.

Georg, we will miss you terribly.
So your big heart suddenly stops, where you could never stand still, you who always discovered new horizons ...

We feel with your loved ones and remain behind in deep sadness.
Andreas Falke
Managing Director, FBDi e.V.

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